Motherhood Expanded

Sovereignty, Self Honour and the Mother-Womb Connection in Birth, Motherhood and Business with Brittany Eastman

June 20, 2021 Ffion Petrie Jones Season 1 Episode 2

Today we have the stunning Brittany Eastman to join us for our very first conversation!

I’m so excited and can’t think of a more magnificent human to share her wisdom and stories of how she thrives in her own unique version of motherhood, birthing both babies and businesses, mothering her divine daughters and her creations. 

Britt is a devoted human, mother and creator of incredible experiences, programs, vortexes of transformation. And this podcast wouldn’t be birthed into the world right now if it wasn’t for being part of these experiences myself and having Britt’s magic sprinkled over many of my ideas. 

In her own words Britt is a 'maker'...
... of babies and homes, love and art, programs and worlds, waves and magic, quick decisions and ruthless calls for her own alignment. 

She designs and delivers program for women with businesses born from devotion, heart and truth because it brings them alive. 

Britt is a dear friend of mine and in this episode we dive deep straight away! 
We explore births and rebirths of babies, business and ourselves as women and mothers.

We explore how trauma can be the gateway to deeper alignment, consciousness and liberation. We discuss what it takes to gather our village to help us raise our babies as well as raise us as women and mothers. Britt talks about the Mother Womb Connection and how it goes beyond pregnancy and birth and she tells us what means to 'Go Rogue', create a life that feels aligned and expansive… and when it doesn’t, to pivot!

I feel truly honoured that this is the first time for Britt to publicly share her birth story and I must warn you it is one of trauma AND an experience that Britt describes as the springboard to her greatness.

Also, it wouldn’t be a convo with Britt and I if there weren’t a few F Bombs. So if you have little ears around, make sure to pop in your headphones before wrapping your ears around this absolute beauty.

We mention some great resources, incredible teachers and expanders and you can find them here...
- Jane Hardwick Collings - - @janehardwickecollings
- The Postpartum Cure, Dr Oscar Serrallach - @droscarserrallach
- The Continuum Concept -
- Tara Bliss -  - @tara_bliss
- Meg O'Sullivan - - @the.meg.o
- Ellie Seilern - - @ellieseilern

Find out more about Britt, continue the conversation and check out her creations by heading to the 'gram where you'll find her @iambrittanyeastman or head to her website