Motherhood Expanded

Rewriting Rules, Altering Realities & Seeing Limitations As The Portals To Liberation with Zsuzsa Octaviano

July 01, 2021 Ffion Petrie Jones Season 1 Episode 3

Today we have the incredible Zsuzsa joining us for our second conversation on the poddy.

I first met this stunning woman in a 6 month business mastermind that we were experiencing together and we just clicked, ya know when you find those people that just get you, that want to celebrate you and vice versa, someone you know needs a place in your orbit… that’s Zsuz & I know that anyone who her would absolutely agree with me.

Zsuz is a solo mama of one incredible baby girl, she’s a cosmic rule bender for the bold and brave, she elevates hearts and minds through various portals, experiences and practices, including human design, women’s mentoring and Kundalini Yoga. She had a beautiful, empowering home birth, a nourishing pregnancy and is currently thriving in her own unique expression & experience of motherhood.

She is one passionate, fire cracker of a woman on a mission of empowering women to embrace their uniqueness & thrive in a life where they don’t just defy the rules, they write their own. 

Today Zsusza and I explore limitations as the portal to your liberation, what it takes to step onto the road less travelled and be the embodiment of all you believe, teach & preach in order to create & thrive in this new earth.

Zsuza shares her journey of healing her mother wound so that she could gather her village to help raise her daughter & her as a mother.

And she imparts with the most golden nuggets for mamas, especially solo mamas who want to stretch beyond what they believe to be their limitations & begin creating a new reality for themselves & their cubs. 

This conversation is peppered with the most potent truth bombs as well as a few f bombs so you’ll wanna make sure you don’t have little ears around so you can sip up every word from this magnificent woman.



We mention some great resources as well as incredible teachers and humans and you can find them here...

Find out more about Zsuzsa, continue the conversation and check out her creations by heading to the 'gram where you'll find her