Motherhood Expanded

Rewriting the Narrative of The Sacred Fourth Trimester & Thriving in The Beautiful Chaos of Motherhood and Business With Leila Armour

August 04, 2021 Season 1 Episode 4

Today we have the beautiful Leila from Village For Mama joining us on the podcast.

I first met Leila when she was pregnant, she had just sold her Mexican restaurant, she was in the middle of her yoga teacher training and was in between worlds, about to cross the threshold from maiden to mother. I met Leila at her parents beach cafe and I had my little Willow girl with me who was probably about 8 weeks old and Leila and I chatted all things birth, motherhood, dreams and business and Leila was absolutely glowing and excited about her imminent home birth. And I think her baby girl arrived pretty soon after that.

Leila has entrepreneurship running through her veins. It’s in her blood. She was raised by parents who have always run and owned businesses and so it was always going to be part of her story.

Since becoming a mother, experiencing birth and postpartum, Leila became so passionate about wanting to change the narrative around this sacred fourth trimester that she wrote a book. She had an idea that lit her and her womb up so much that she knew she was the one that was destined to bring it to life. 

Village For Mama is the most incredible toolkit, helping new mothers gather their village for a supported and nourished post birth journey. Because the journey into motherhood was never meant to be done alone.

Leila shares her experience of birthing both her baby and her business and the inner strength and trust it takes for both of these life changing experiences and transitions.

We explore how both birth and business has us collapsing borrowed and limiting beliefs and how imposter syndrome needs to be embraced as it will always be a part of our journeys.

Leila also imparts some beautiful words of wisdom for other women who have a burning desire to bring ideas to life and build businesses alongside motherhood.



We mention some great resources as well as incredible teachers and humans who you can find right here...

  • The First Forty Days 
  • Nourishing Traditions
  • Deep Nutrition
  • What Kind of Woman by Kate Baer - @katejbaer
  • Luka McCabe - @boobtofood

Find out more about Leila, continue the conversation and check out her incredible book and services by heading to the 'gram where you'll find her @villageformama or on her website